The treble tends to be shrill on tracks that were mastered to give exciting sound, that means most of modern techno rave dubstep heavy metal and similar.M_thoroughbred these headphones might sound good for you and probably others but what makes you think that others will like the sound they produce.studio by dreNot those who listen to music, only those who listen to noise masquerading as music.And as far as they being over priced well I have news everything is over priced now a days.Even before this review started, you probably had an opinion on these headphones, whether its shaped by media or your own personal experience.apple beats dudeThat would explain why many people enjoy the sound that these headphones produce.Wireless is nice, but cmon, not everyone wants to feel the beat.You probably have not even tried these to even make a real opinion.apple beats dudeBesides I could never wear them in public if I did own a pair for fear of getting my skull caved in or robbed at gunpoint over a set of headphones.